Pipe is valid Scrabble Word

Is pipe a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pipe valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PIPE in dictionary:

Words related to PIPE

piped10 pipefuls15 pipeless12 pipelike16 pipes9 pipier10 pipiest11 piping11 pipy11

Words that contain PIPE

piped10 piper9 pipes9 pipet9 pipers10 pipets10 bagpipe14 panpipe13 pipeage12 pipeful14 piperic13 pipette11 bagpiped16 bagpiper15 bagpipes15 blowpipe17 cornpipe14 downpipe16 feedpipe16 halfpipe18 hornpipe15 hosepipe15 liripipe12 panpipes14 pipeages13 pipeclay17 pipefish18 pipefuls15 pipeless12 pipelike16 pipeline12 piperine12 pipestem14 pipetted13 pipettes12 pipework19 pipewort15 roanpipe12 ronepipe12 tailpipe12 windpipe16 bagpipers16 blowpipes18 cornpipes15 downpipes17 drainpipe14 feedpipes17 halfpipes19 hawsepipe19 hornpipes16 hosepipes16 liripipes13 pipeclays18 pipelined14 pipelines13 piperines13 piperonal13 pipestems15 pipestone13 pipetting14 pipeworks20 pipeworts16 pitchpipe20 roanpipes13 ronepipes13 sandpiper14 standpipe14 stovepipe16 tailpiped14 tailpipes13 wincopipe18 windpipes17 drainpipes15 epipelagic17 hawsepipes20 micropipet18 pipeclayed20 pipefishes20 pipefitter17 pipelining15 piperazine23 piperidine15 piperonals14 pipestones14 pitchpipes21 sandpipers15 standpipes15 stovepipes17 wincopipes19 epipetalous15 micropipets19 pipeclaying21 pipefitters18 pipefitting19 pipelinings16 piperaceous17 piperazines24 piperidines16 micropipette20 pipefittings20 micropipettes21 Show more ...

How to use PIPE in a sentence

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