Arbor is valid Scrabble Word

Is arbor a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is arbor valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ARBOR in dictionary:

Words related to ARBOR

arbores9 arbors8

Words that contain ARBOR

arbors8 harbor11 arbored10 arbores9 arboret9 arborio9 carbora11 harbors12 arboreal10 arboreta10 arborets10 arborios10 arborise10 arborist10 arborize19 arborous10 carboras12 carborne12 harbored14 harborer13 arboreous11 arboretum13 arborised12 arborises11 arborists11 arborized21 arborizes20 harborage15 harborers14 harborful17 harboring15 harborous14 outharbor14 arboreally15 arboretums14 arborising13 arborizing22 arborvitae15 carborexic23 farborough19 harborages16 harborfuls18 harborless15 harborside16 yarborough19 outharbors15 arboraceous15 arborescent15 arborvitaes16 carborexics24 farboroughs20 subarboreal15 tharborough20 yarboroughs20 arborescence18 arborisation14 arborization23 harbormaster19 semiarboreal16 tharboroughs21 arborescences19 arboriculture17 arborisations15 arborizations24 harbormasters20 arboricultural18 arboricultures18 subarborescent20 arboriculturist19

How to use ARBOR in a sentence

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