Duct is valid Scrabble Word

Is duct a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is duct valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DUCT in dictionary:

Words related to DUCT

ductal9 ducted10 ducting11 ductings12 ductless11 ducts8

Words that contain DUCT

ducts8 educt8 abduct11 adduct10 deduct10 ductal9 ducted10 educts9 induct9 obduct11 abducts12 adducts11 conduct12 deducts11 ductile10 ducting11 ductule10 eductor10 inducts10 oviduct13 product12 subduct12 viaduct13 abducted14 abductee13 abductor13 adducted13 adductor12 aeroduct11 aqueduct20 conducti13 conducts13 deducted13 ductings12 ductless11 ductules11 ductwork18 eduction11 eductive14 eductors11 gonoduct12 inducted12 inductee11 inductor11 oviducts14 products13 reductor11 reinduct11 seductor11 subducts13 viaducts14 abductees14 abducting15 abduction14 abductors14 adducting14 adduction13 adductive16 adductors13 aeroducts12 aqueducts21 byproduct19 conducted15 conductor14 conductus14 coproduct16 deducting14 deduction13 deductive16 ductilely15 ductility15 ductworks19 eductions12 gonoducts13 inductees12 inductile12 inducting13 induction12 inductive15 inductors12 oviductal15 prededuct15 reconduct14 reductant12 reductase12 reduction12 reductive15 reductors12 reinducts12 seduction12 seductive15 seductors12 subducted15 ventiduct15 abductions15 abductores15 adductions14 byproducts20 circumduct19 conducting16 conduction15 Show more ...

How to use DUCT in a sentence

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