Pains is valid Scrabble Word

Is pains a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pains valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PAINS in dictionary:

Words related to PAINS

pain6 pained9 paining10

Words that contain PAINS

spains8 papains11 calpains12 afterpains15 painstaker16 painstakers17 painstaking18 painstakings19 painstakingly23 painstakingness22

How to use PAINS in a sentence

Similar words containing PAIN without suffix s

pain6 paint7 spain7 painch13 pained9 painim10 paints8 painty11 papain10 spaing9 spains8 bepaint11 calpain11 depaint10 impaint11 painful12 painims11 paining10 painted10 painter9 papains11 repaint9 spained10 spaings10 unpaint9 bepaints12 calpains12 depaints11 impaints12 mispaint12 outpaint10 painches15 painless10 paintbox19 painters10 paintier10 painting11 paintpot12 painture10 repaints10 scapaing13 spaining11 unpained11 unpaints10 warpaint13 afterpain14 bepainted14 depainted13 impainted14 mispaints13 outpaints11 overpaint14 painfully17 paintable13 paintball13 painterly14 paintiest11 paintings12 paintpots13 paintress11 paintures11 paintwork18 repainted12 scarpaing14 unpainful14 unpainted12 warpaints14 afterpains15 bepainting15 depainting14 impainting15 mispainted15 outpainted13 overpaints15 painfuller15 painkiller16 painlessly15 painstaker16 paintballs14 paintboxes21 paintbrush17 paintiness12 paintworks19 repainting13 unpainting13 alycompaine20 greasepaint14 mispainting16 outpainting14 overpainted17 painfullest16 painfulness16 painkillers17 painkilling18 painstakers17 painstaking18 paintresses13 repaintings14 unpaintable15 alycompaines21 Show more ...
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