Onto is valid Scrabble Word

Is onto a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is onto valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ONTO in dictionary:

Words that contain ONTO

conto7 contos8 ponton8 pronto8 wonton9 contort9 contour9 fronton10 pontons9 pontoon9 wontons10 contorni10 contorno10 contorts10 contours10 frontons11 frontoon11 nontonal8 nontonic10 nontoxic17 odontoid10 odontoma11 ontogeny12 ontology12 pontoons10 spontoon10 contornos11 contorted12 contoured12 frontoons12 odontoids11 odontomas12 ontogenic12 ontologic12 pontoneer11 pontonier11 pontooned12 pontooner11 recontour11 remontoir11 spontoons11 nontoxics18 brontobyte17 brontosaur12 contorting13 contortion12 contortive15 contouring13 deontology15 nontobacco16 odontocete13 odontogeny15 odontolite11 odontology15 odontomata13 ontogenies11 ontologies11 ontologist11 pontoneers12 pontoniers12 pontonnier12 pontooners12 pontooning13 promontory17 recontours12 remontoire12 remontoirs12 brontobytes18 brontosaurs13 contorniate13 contortedly17 contortions13 frontolyses17 frontolysis17 gerontocrat14 gerontology16 gerontophil17 odontoblast14 odontocetes14 odontogenic15 odontograph18 odontolites12 odontologic15 odontophore17 ontogeneses12 ontogenesis12 ontogenetic14 ontological14 ontologists12 pontonniers13 recontoured14 remontoires13 nontobaccos17 brontosaurus14 contorniates14 contortional14 contortioned15 deontologies14 deontologist14 gerontocracy20 gerontocrats15 gerontologic16 gerontophile18 gerontophils18 gerontophobe20 leontopodium17 microdontous17 odontoblasts15 odontogenies14 odontographs19 odontography22 odontologies14 odontologist14 odontomatous15 odontophobia20 odontophoral18 odontophoran18 odontophores18 paleontology18 promontories16 recontouring15 contortedness16 contortionate15 contortionism17 contortionist15 deontological17 deontologists15 frontogeneses17 frontogenesis17 frontogenetic19 gerontocratic18 gerontologies15 gerontologist15 gerontophiles19 gerontophilia19 gerontophobes21 gerontophobia21 iontophoreses18 iontophoresis18 iontophoretic20 leontopodiums18 odontoblastic18 odontoglossum17 odontological17 odontologists15 odontophobias21 odontophorans19 odontophorous19 odontornithes17 ontogenically19 ontologically19 palaeontology19 paleontologic18 brontosauruses16 contortionisms18 contortionists16 gerontocracies19 gerontological18 gerontologists16 gerontomorphic24 gerontophilias20 gerontophobias22 odontoglossums18 odontographies21 paleontologies17 paleontologist17 periodontology21 contortednesses18 contortionistic19 nontotalitarian15 odontorhynchous27 odontostomatous18 ontogenetically21 palaeontography26 palaeontologies18 palaeontologist18 paleontological20 paleontologists18 iontophoretical22 micropaleontolo21 periodontologie19 periodontologies20 micropaleontology27 iontophoretically27 micropaleontologic27 micropaleontologies26 micropaleontologist26 micropaleontologists27 micropaleontological29

How to use ONTO in a sentence

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