Lay is valid Scrabble Word

Is lay a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lay valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LAY in dictionary:

Words related to LAY

laid5 layed9 laying10 layings11 lays7 lie3 lies4 lying9

Words that contain LAY

alay7 blay9 clay9 flay10 lays7 play9 slay7 alays8 allay8 belay10 blays10 clays10 delay9 flays11 inlay8 layed9 layer8 layin8 layup10 onlay8 palay10 playa10 plays10 relay8 slays8 splay10 unlay8 uplay10 alayed10 allays9 belays11 byplay16 clayed12 clayey14 cullay11 delays10 flayed13 flayer12 inlays9 layers9 laying10 layins9 layman11 laymen11 layoff15 layout9 layups11 mellay11 mislay11 onlays9 outlay9 palays11 parlay11 playas11 played12 player11 relays9 replay11 slayed10 slayer9 splays11 unlays9 uplays11 waylay15 airplay12 alaying11 allayed11 allayer10 atalaya10 belayed13 belayer12 bilayer12 bioplay14 byplays17 clayier12 claying13 clayish15 claypan14 cosplay14 cullays12 delayed12 delayer11 display13 endplay13 flayers13 flaying14 forelay13 gunplay13 inlayer10 layaway16 layback18 laydeez20 layered11 layette10 layings11 laylock16 layoffs16 layouts10 layover13 laytime12 mellays12 Show more ...

How to use LAY in a sentence

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