Lamp is valid Scrabble Word

Is lamp a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lamp valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LAMP in dictionary:

Words related to LAMP

bowat10 lamped11 lamping12 lampings13 lamps9

Words that contain LAMP

clamp11 lamps9 clamps12 lampad11 lampas10 lamped11 lamper10 bedlamp14 clamped14 clamper13 lampads12 lampern11 lampers11 lamping12 lampion11 lamplit11 lampoon11 lamprey14 lampuka15 lampuki15 sunlamp11 unclamp13 bedlamps15 blowlamp17 clampers14 clamping15 eclampsy17 glamping14 glowlamp16 headlamp16 lampases12 lampasse12 lamperns12 lamphole15 lampings13 lampions12 lampless12 lampoons12 lamppost14 lampreys15 lampukas16 lampukis16 lampyrid16 sunlamps12 taillamp12 unclamps14 blowlamps18 clampdown19 clampered16 clampings16 eclampsia15 eclamptic17 flashlamp19 glampings15 glowlamps17 headlamps17 lampadary17 lampadist14 lampasses13 lampblack21 lampbrush18 lamperses13 lampholes16 lamplight17 lampooned14 lampooner13 lampposts15 lampshade17 lampshell16 lampstand14 lampyrids17 melampode16 palampore15 taillamps13 unclamped16 clampdowns20 clampering17 eclampsias16 eclampsies16 flashlamps20 lampadists15 lampblacks22 lampholder18 lamplights18 lampooners14 lampoonery17 lampooning15 lampoonist14 lampshades18 lampshells17 lampstands15 melampodes17 palampores16 streetlamp14 unclamping17 lampadaries16 lampblacked24 lampholders19 lamplighter19 lampoonists15 lamprophyre23 streetlamps15 lampadedromy23 lampadomancy24 lampblacking25 lamplighters20 lampooneries16 lamprophyres24 lamprophyric26 preeclampsia20 preeclamptic22 lampadephoria23 preeclampsias21 lampadedromies22 lampadephorias24 lampadomancies23

How to use LAMP in a sentence

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