Judging is valid Scrabble Word

Is judging a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is judging valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for JUDGING in dictionary:

Words related to JUDGING

judge14 judged16 judges15 judgings18

Words that contain JUDGING

judgings18 adjudging20 judgingly22 rejudging19 forjudging23 misjudging22 prejudging22 forejudging24

How to use JUDGING in a sentence

Similar words containing JUDG without suffix ing

judge14 judgy17 judged16 judger15 judges15 judgey18 adjudge17 judgers16 rejudge16 judgier16 adjudged19 adjudges18 forjudge20 judgings18 judgment19 misjudge19 prejudge19 rejudged18 rejudges17 unjudged18 judgiest17 adjudging20 forejudge21 forjudged22 forjudges21 judgeable20 judgeless18 judgelike22 judgement20 judgeship23 judgingly22 judgmatic22 judgments20 misjudged21 misjudger20 misjudges20 prejudged21 prejudger20 prejudges20 rejudging19 adjudgment22 forejudged23 forejudges22 forjudging23 judgements21 judgeships24 judgmental21 misjudgers21 misjudging22 prejudgers21 prejudging22 adjudgement23 adjudgments23 forejudging24 forjudgment25 judgemental22 judgmatical24 misjudgment24 prejudgment24 adjudgements24 forejudgment26 forjudgments26 judgmentally26 misjudgement25 misjudgments25 prejudgement25 prejudgments25 forejudgement27 forejudgments27 judgementally27 judgmatically29 misjudgements26 nonjudgmental24 prejudgements26 forejudgements28 nonjudgemental25 nonjudgmentally29
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