Jam is valid Scrabble Word

Is jam a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is jam valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for JAM in dictionary:

Words related to JAM

jamlike20 jammable21 jammed18 jammer17 jammers18 jamming19 jammings20 jams13

Words that contain JAM

jamb15 jams13 jambe16 jambo16 jambs16 jambu16 james14 jammy19 jamon14 unjam14 enjamb17 figjam19 jamaat15 jambed18 jambee17 jamber17 jambes17 jambok21 jambul17 jambus17 jamjar22 jammed18 jammer17 jampan17 jampot17 jimjam24 logjam16 pajama17 pyjama20 ujamaa15 unjams15 jambos17 antijam16 enjambs18 figjams20 jamaats16 jamadar17 jambart18 jambeau18 jambees18 jambers18 jambeux25 jambier18 jambing19 jambiya21 jamboks22 jambone18 jambool18 jambuls18 jamdani17 jameses16 jamjars23 jamlike20 jammers18 jammier18 jammies18 jamming19 jampani18 jampans18 jampots18 jimjams25 logjams17 pajamas18 pyjamas21 sjambok22 ujamaas16 benjamin19 doorjamb20 enjambed20 jamadars18 jambarts19 jambeaus19 jambeaux26 jambiers19 jambiyah25 jambiyas22 jambolan19 jambones19 jambools19 jamboree19 jamdanis18 jammable21 jammiest19 jammings20 jampanee19 jampanis19 pajamaed20 pyjamaed23 sjamboks23 unjammed20 benjamins20 doorjambs21 enjambing21 jambalaya23 jambiyahs26 jambokked29 jambolana20 jambolans20 jamborees20 jampacked27 jampanees20 Show more ...

How to use JAM in a sentence

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