Faun is valid Scrabble Word

Is faun a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is faun valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FAUN in dictionary:

Words related to FAUN

faunlike15 fauns8

Words that contain FAUN

fauna8 fauns8 faunae9 faunal9 faunas9 faunist10 faunula10 faunule10 infauna10 avifauna14 epifauna13 faunally14 faunists11 faunlike15 faunulae11 faunules11 infaunae11 infaunal11 infaunas11 avifaunae15 avifaunal15 avifaunas15 epifaunae14 epifaunal14 epifaunas14 faunistic14 megafauna15 meiofauna14 anguifauna14 macrofauna17 megafaunae16 megafaunal16 megafaunas16 meiofaunae15 meiofaunal15 meiofaunas15 microfauna17 piscifauna17 anguifaunae15 anguifaunas15 entomofauna16 macrofaunae18 macrofaunas18 microfaunae18 microfaunal18 microfaunas18 piscifaunae18 piscifaunas18 entomofaunae17 entomofaunas17 herpetofauna20 ichthyofauna26 faunistically21 herpetofaunae21 herpetofaunas21 ichthyofaunae27 ichthyofaunal27 ichthyofaunas27

How to use FAUN in a sentence

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