Fag is valid Scrabble Word

Is fag a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fag valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for FAG in dictionary:

Words related to FAG

fagged12 faggier12 faggiest13 fagging13 faggings14 faggy13 fags8

Words that contain FAG

fags8 faggy13 fagin9 fagot9 fagged12 faggot11 fagins10 fagots10 faggery15 faggier12 fagging13 faggots12 faggoty15 fagoted12 fagoter11 fagotti11 fagotto11 leafage11 riffage14 serfage11 faggiest13 faggings14 faggoted14 faggotry16 fagoters12 fagoting13 fagottos12 leafages12 riffages15 serfages12 staffage15 wharfage18 fagaceous15 faggeries14 faggoting15 fagotings14 fagottist13 powfagged20 shroffage19 staffages16 wharfages19 faggotier14 faggotings16 faggotries15 fagottists14 shroffages20 faggotiest15 contrafagotti19 contrafagotto19 contrafagottos20

How to use FAG in a sentence

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