Exacting is valid Scrabble Word

Is exacting a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is exacting valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXACTING in dictionary:

Words related to EXACTING

exact14 exacted17 exactingly23 exactingness22 exacts15 exigeant16

Words that contain EXACTING

exactingly23 unexacting20 exactingness22 exactingnesses24

How to use EXACTING in a sentence

Similar words containing ACT without suffix ing and without prefix ex

act5 acta6 acts6 fact9 pact8 tact6 acted8 actin7 acton7 actor7 bract9 cacti9 coact9 diact8 enact7 epact9 exact14 facta10 facts10 fract10 pacta9 pacts9 react7 tacts7 tract7 facto10 actant8 acting9 actins8 action8 active11 actons8 actors8 actual8 acture8 bracts10 cactus10 caract10 coacts10 dactyl12 diacts9 didact10 enacts8 epacts10 exacta15 exacts15 factis11 factor11 factum13 fracti11 fracts11 gedact10 hexact18 impact12 intact8 lactam10 lactic10 misact10 monact10 olfact11 outact8 pactum12 preact10 reacts8 redact9 stacte8 subact10 tactic10 tracts8 triact8 unfact11 abactor11 abreact11 actable11 actants9 actinal9 actings10 actinia9 actinic11 actinon9 actions9 actives12 actorly12 actress9 actuals9 actuary12 actuate9 actures9 atactic11 attract9 biofact14 bracted12 cactoid12 caracts11 carract11 charact14 coacted12 coactor11 coenact11 compact15 Show more ...
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