Factum is valid Scrabble Word

Is factum a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is factum valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FACTUM in dictionary:

Words related to FACTUM

facta10 factums14

Words that contain FACTUM


How to use FACTUM in a sentence

  • In Eius enim nomine hoc miraculum factum est qui Sodomam propter peccatum inhabitancium subuertit ac igne succendit.
  • Tertio potest confirmari, quia actualis productio vegetabilium non tarn ad opus creationis, quam ad opus propagationis pertinet, quod postea factum est.
  • Sed rerum non recte inceptarum successus infelicior homines non prorsus oscitantes plerumque docet quid recte gestum quid perperam, quid factum superi volunt quid infectum.
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