Er is valid Scrabble Word

Is er a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is er valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ER in dictionary:

Words that contain ER

era3 ere3 erf6 erg4 erk7 erm5 ern3 err3 ers3 fer6 ger4 her6 per5 ser3 yer6 der4 oer3 mer5 aber6 acer6 aero4 aery7 ager5 aper6 aver7 beer6 bere6 berg7 berk10 berm8 bier6 brer6 cere6 cero6 cert6 cher9 deer5 dere5 derm7 dern5 dero5 derv8 doer5 dyer8 eery7 eger5 eras4 ered5 eres4 erev7 ergo5 ergs5 erhu7 eric6 erks8 erne4 erns4 eros4 errs4 erst4 eruv7 ever7 ewer7 eyer7 feer7 fere7 ferm9 fern7 fier7 gere5 germ7 gers5 gert5 goer5 herb9 herd8 here7 herl7 herm9 hern7 hero7 hers7 hery10 hoer7 huer7 icer6 jeer11 jerk15 kerb10 kerf11 kern8 kero8 kier8 laer4 leer4 lere4 lerp6 lier4 meer6 merc8 mere6 Show more ...

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