Ager is valid Scrabble Word

Is ager a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ager valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AGER in dictionary:

Words related to AGER


Words that contain AGER

agers6 cager8 eager6 gager7 jager13 lager6 pager8 rager6 sager6 wager9 yager9 cagers9 eagers7 gagers8 imager9 jagers14 laager7 lagers7 meager9 onager7 pagers9 ragers7 stager7 swager10 usager7 wagers10 yagers10 alnager8 damager11 dowager12 eagerer8 eagerly11 engager9 etagere8 forager11 homager13 imagers10 imagery13 laagers8 lagered9 manager10 onagers8 potager10 ravager11 savager11 socager10 stagers8 stagery11 swagers11 tanager8 uneager8 usagers8 voyager14 wagered12 wagerer11 ageratum11 alnagers9 assuager9 aulnager9 averager12 bandager12 bondager12 cottager11 damagers12 dowagers13 eagerest9 engagers10 etageres9 foragers12 homagers14 laagered10 lagering10 managers11 massager11 meagerer11 meagerly14 packager17 passager11 pillager11 potagers11 presager11 rampager13 ravagers12 rummager13 salvager12 savagery15 scavager14 schlager14 socagers11 spageric13 tanagers9 teenager9 upstager11 villager12 vintager12 voyagers15 wagerers12 wagering13 ageratums12 assuagers10 aulnagers10 Show more ...

How to use AGER in a sentence

Similar words containing AG without suffix er

ag3 aga4 age4 ago4 ags4 bag6 cag6 dag5 fag7 gag5 hag7 jag11 lag4 mag6 nag4 rag4 sag4 tag4 vag7 wag7 yag7 zag13 agar5 agas5 aged6 agee5 agen5 ages5 agha8 agin5 agio5 aglu5 agly8 agma7 agog6 agon5 agro5 ague5 bagh10 bags7 blag7 brag7 cage7 cags7 cagy10 clag7 crag7 dago6 dags6 drag6 fags8 flag8 frag8 gaga6 gage6 gags6 hagg9 hags8 jaga12 jagg13 jags12 kago9 kagu9 knag9 lags5 mage7 magg8 magi7 mags7 naga5 nags5 page7 peag7 quag14 raga5 rage5 ragg6 ragi5 rags5 ragu5 saag5 saga5 sage5 sago5 sags5 sagy8 scag7 shag8 skag9 slag5 snag5 spag7 stag5 swag8 tags5 vagi8 vags8 wage8 wags8 yage8 Show more ...
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