Err is valid Scrabble Word

Is err a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is err valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ERR in dictionary:

Words related to ERR

erred6 erring7 erringly12 errings8 errs4

Words that contain ERR

errs4 serr4 berry10 derro6 derry9 erred6 error5 ferry11 herry11 jerry15 kerry12 merry10 perry10 serra5 serre5 serrs5 serry8 terra5 terry8 verra8 verry11 verre8 berret8 cerris8 cherry14 derris7 derros7 errand7 errant6 errata6 erring7 errors6 ferrel9 ferret9 ferric11 ferrum11 jerrid14 kerria10 merrie8 perron8 serrae6 serran6 serras6 serred7 serres6 sherry12 sierra6 skerry13 sperre8 terrae6 terras6 terret6 territ6 terror6 verrel9 verrey12 werris9 wherry15 averred11 berrets9 berried10 berries9 cerrado10 cerrial9 derrick14 derries8 equerry19 errable9 errancy12 errands8 errants7 erratas7 erratic9 erratum9 errhine10 errings8 ferrate10 ferrels10 ferrets10 ferrety13 ferried11 ferries10 ferrite10 ferrous10 ferrugo11 ferrule10 ferrums12 herried11 herries10 herring11 jerreed15 jerrids15 jerries14 kerrias11 kerries11 merrier9 merries9 merrily12 overran10 overred11 overren10 Show more ...

How to use ERR in a sentence

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