Emanating is valid Scrabble Word

Is emanating a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emanating valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMANATING in dictionary:

Words related to EMANATING

emanate9 emanated11 emanates10

How to use EMANATING in a sentence

Similar words containing ANAT without suffix ing and without prefix em

anata5 manat7 qanat14 anatas6 anatta6 anatto6 lanate6 manati8 manats8 manatu8 qanats15 anatase7 anatman9 anatomy12 anattas7 anattos7 aplanat9 cyanate12 emanate9 fanatic12 khanate14 lanated8 manatee9 manatis9 manatus9 planate9 anatases8 anatexes15 anatexis15 anathema13 anatmans10 anatomic12 anatoxin15 anatropy13 aplanats10 cyanates13 emanated11 emanates10 emanator10 fanatics13 impanate12 khanates15 manatees10 manatoid11 panatela10 sanative11 sanatory11 thanatos11 titanate8 anathemas14 anatomies11 anatomise11 anatomist11 anatomize20 anatoxins16 aplanatic13 emanation11 emanatist11 emanative14 emanators11 emanatory14 fanatical14 hetmanate14 manganate12 maranatha14 panatelas11 panatella11 planation11 rhodanate13 sanatoria9 sultanate9 thanatism14 thanatist12 thanatoid13 titanates9 anathemata15 anatomical14 anatomised13 anatomiser12 anatomises12 anatomists12 anatomized22 anatomizer21 anatomizes21 anatropies12 anatropous12 aplanatism14 complanate16 emanations12 emanatists12 fanaticise15 fanaticism17 fanaticize24 hetmanates15 immanation14 impanation14 isocyanate15 italianate10 manganates13 maranathas15 morganatic15 panatellas12 planations12 rhodanates14 sanatorium12 sultanates10 thanatisms15 thanatists13 thanatoses13 thanatosis13 anatomisers13 anatomising14 anatomizers22 anatomizing23 aplanatisms15 emanational13 euthanatise14 euthanatize23 explanation20 explanative23 explanatory23 fanatically19 fanaticised17 fanaticises16 fanaticisms18 fanaticized26 fanaticizes25 immanations15 impanations15 isocyanates16 italianated12 italianates11 kawanatanga19 methanation16 nonanatomic15 pomegranate16 profanation16 profanatory19 sanatoriums13 subpanation15 thanatology18 thanatopses16 thanatopsis16 thiocyanate19 trepanation13 anathematise17 anathematize26 anatomically19 complanation18 contranatant14 euthanatised16 euthanatises15 euthanatized25 euthanatizes24 explanations21 fanaticising18 fanaticizing27 italianating13 kawanatangas20 methanations17 microanatomy21 neuroanatomy17 permanganate17 pomegranates17 profanations17 subpanations16 thiocyanates20 trepanations14 anathematical20 anathematised19 anathematises18 anathematized28 anathematizes27 anatomisation15 anatomization24 aplanatically20 complanations19 euthanatising17 euthanatizing26 explanatively28 explanatorily25 fanaticalness18 intranational13 neuroanatomic17 peneplanation17 permanganates18 supranational15 thanatography25 thanatologies17 thanatologist17 thanatophobia23 ultranational13 nonanatomical17 anathematicals21 anathematising20 anathematizing29 anatomisations16 anatomizations25 fanaticisation19 fanaticization28 microanatomies20 morganatically22 neuroanatomies16 neuroanatomist16 nonexplanatory26 peneplanations18 thanatological20 thanatologists18 thanatophobias24 isothiocyanate22 fanaticalnesses20 fanaticisations20 fanaticizations29 metropolitanate19 microanatomical23 neuroanatomical19 neuroanatomists17 supranationally20 thanatognomonic23 thanatographies24 isothiocyanates23 nonanatomically22 ultranationalis15 supranationalis17 supranationalit17 ultranationalist16 supranationalism20 supranationality21 ultranationalism18 supranationalist18 supranationalisms21 ultranationalists17 ultranationalisms19 supranationalists19 supranationalities20 ultranationalistic20
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