East is valid Scrabble Word

Is east a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is east valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EAST in dictionary:

Words related to EAST

easted7 easts5

Words that contain EAST

beast7 easts5 feast8 heast8 least5 reast5 yeast8 beasts8 breast8 easted7 easter6 feasts9 heaste9 heasts9 leasts6 reasts6 reasty9 yeasts9 yeasty12 abreast9 beasted10 beastie9 beastly12 breasts9 cineast9 eastern7 easters7 easting8 eastlin7 feasted11 feaster10 heastes10 reasted8 yeasted11 beasties10 beastily13 beasting11 breasted11 cineaste10 cineasts10 easterly11 eastings9 eastland9 eastling9 eastlins8 eastmost10 eastward12 feasters11 feastful14 feasting12 oleaster8 outfeast11 reastier8 reasting9 yeastier11 yeastily14 yeasting12 beanfeast14 beasthood15 beastings12 beastlier11 beastlike15 breastfed15 breasting12 breastpin13 cineastes11 eastabout11 eastbound12 easterner9 eastlands10 eastlings10 eastwards13 feastings13 feastless12 leastways15 leastwise12 northeast12 oleasters9 outfeasts12 reastiest9 redbreast12 seastrand10 southeast12 yeastiest12 yeastless12 yeastlike16 beanfeasts15 beasthoods16 beastliest12 bluebreast14 breastbone14 breastfeed16 breastpins14 breastrail12 breastwork19 easterlies10 easterling11 eastermost12 easterners10 eastwardly17 enneastyle13 Show more ...

How to use EAST in a sentence

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