Disposition is valid Scrabble Word

Is disposition a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disposition valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISPOSITION in dictionary:

Words related to DISPOSITION

dispositioned17 dispositions15

Words that contain DISPOSITION

dispositions15 dispositional16 dispositioned17 indisposition16 redisposition16 indispositions17 predisposition19 redispositions17 predispositions20

How to use DISPOSITION in a sentence

Similar words containing POSI without suffix tion and without prefix dis

posit7 posier8 posies8 posing9 posits8 deposit10 exposit16 gaposis10 posiest9 posings10 posited10 positif12 positon9 reposit9 adiposis11 apositia10 apositic12 apposing13 apposite12 deposing12 deposits11 exposing18 exposits17 imposing13 opposing13 opposite12 oviposit13 posingly14 positifs13 positing11 position10 positive13 positons10 positron10 reposing11 reposits10 symposia15 adiposity15 apositias11 composing16 composite15 deposited13 depositor12 disposing13 exposited19 expositor18 gaposises12 opposites13 oviposits14 polyposis16 pomposity18 posidrive15 posigrade13 positions11 positiver14 positives14 positrons11 preposing14 proposing14 proposita13 propositi13 purposing14 purposive16 redeposit12 reposited12 repositor11 supposing14 symposiac18 symposial16 symposium18 appositely17 apposition14 appositive17 composited17 composites16 compositor16 depositary16 depositing14 deposition13 depositive16 depositors13 depository16 disposings14 dispositor13 expositing20 exposition19 expositive22 expositors19 expository22 imposingly18 imposition14 inapposite14 opposingly18 oppositely17 opposition14 oppositive17 oviposited16 ovipositor15 positional12 positioned13 Show more ...
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