Discovering is valid Scrabble Word

Is discovering a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is discovering valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISCOVERING in dictionary:

Words related to DISCOVERING

discover14 discovered17 discovers15 discovery18

Words that contain DISCOVERING

codiscovering22 rediscovering20

How to use DISCOVERING in a sentence

Similar words containing COVER without suffix ing and without prefix dis

cover10 covers11 covert11 covered13 coverer12 coverts12 coverup14 recover12 uncover12 bedcover16 coverage14 coverall13 coverers13 covering14 coverlet13 coverlid14 coversed14 covertly16 coverups15 discover14 recovers13 recovery16 uncovers13 coverter13 bedcovers17 coverable16 coverages15 coveralls14 coverings15 coverless14 coverlets14 coverlids15 coversine14 coverslip16 coverture14 discovers15 discovert15 discovery18 dustcover15 hardcover18 overcover17 recovered15 recoveree14 recoverer14 recoveror14 slipcover16 softcover17 uncovered15 covertest14 codiscover18 coveralled16 covermount17 coversines15 coverslips17 covertness15 covertures15 discovered17 discoverer16 dustcovers16 hardcovers19 overcovers18 recoverees15 recoverers15 recoveries15 recovering16 recoverors15 rediscover16 slipcovers17 softcovers18 supercover17 uncovering16 undercover16 bedcovering20 codiscovers19 covermounts18 discoverers17 discoveries17 noncoverage17 overcovered20 recoverable18 rediscovers17 rediscovery20 slipcovered19 supercovers18 undercovert17 unrecovered17 bedcoverings21 codiscovered21 codiscoverer20 covermounted20 covertnesses17 discoverable20 discoverture18 noncoverages18 overcovering21 prediscovery23 rediscovered19 rediscoverer18 slipcovering20 turacoverdin18 Show more ...
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