Dependent is valid Scrabble Word

Is dependent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dependent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEPENDENT in dictionary:

Words related to DEPENDENT

dependant13 dependently18 dependents14

Words that contain DEPENDENT

dependents14 codependent17 dependently18 independent15 codependents18 independents16 nondependent16 independently20 nondependents17 overdependent20 interdependent18 nonindependent18 interdependents19 interdependentl19 interdependently23

How to use DEPENDENT in a sentence

Similar words containing PEND without suffix ent and without prefix de

pend7 pends8 pendu8 spend8 upend8 append11 depend10 expend16 impend11 pended10 spends9 spendy12 upends9 appends12 compend14 depends11 dispend11 expends17 impends12 parpend12 pendant10 pendent10 pending11 pendule10 perpend12 propend12 spender10 stipend10 suspend10 upended11 wappend15 appended14 appendix20 compends15 depended13 dispends12 ependyma16 expended19 expender18 forspend14 impended14 misspend13 outspend11 parpends13 pendants11 pendency16 pendents11 pendicle13 pendular11 pendules11 pendulum13 perpends13 propends13 spendall11 spenders11 spendier11 spending12 stipends11 suspends11 upending12 vilipend14 appendage15 appendant14 appendent14 appending15 compendia16 dependant13 depending14 dispended14 ependymal17 ependymas17 expenders19 expending20 forespend15 forspends15 impendent14 impending15 misspends14 outspends12 overspend15 pendantly15 pendently15 pendicler14 pendicles14 pendragon13 pendulate12 penduline12 pendulous12 pendulums14 perpended15 propended15 resuspend12 spendable14 spendalls12 spendiest12 spendings13 suspended13 suspender12 vilipends15 antependia13 Show more ...
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