Dam is valid Scrabble Word

Is dam a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dam valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DAM in dictionary:

Words related to DAM

dammed12 damming13 dams7 stank9

Words that contain DAM

dame7 damn7 damp9 dams7 dama7 daman8 damar8 dames8 damme10 damns8 damps10 dampy13 madam10 undam8 bedamn11 beldam11 damage10 damans9 damars9 damask13 dammar11 dammed12 dammer11 dammit11 damned10 damner9 damped12 dampen11 damper11 damply14 damsel9 damson9 dirdam10 goddam11 madame11 madams11 quidam18 undams9 vidame12 damnum11 adamant10 bedamns12 beldame12 beldams12 bemadam14 damaged12 damager11 damages11 damasks14 dambrod13 damfool13 damiana10 dammars12 dammers12 damming13 damners10 damnest10 damnify16 damning11 damosel10 damozel19 dampens12 dampers12 dampest12 dampier12 damping13 dampish15 damsels10 damsons10 dirdams11 ducdame13 edamame12 goddamn12 goddams12 grandam11 holydam16 indamin10 macadam14 madamed13 madames12 milldam12 papadam14 quidams19 quondam19 sudamen10 vidames13 aceldama13 adamance13 adamancy16 adamants11 adamsite11 bedamned14 beldames13 bemadams15 cardamom15 cardamon13 cardamum15 damagers12 damaging13 damasked16 Show more ...

How to use DAM in a sentence

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