Copy is valid Scrabble Word

Is copy a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is copy valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COPY in dictionary:

Words related to COPY

copied11 copies10 copyable17 copying15

Words that contain COPY

recopy13 wicopy16 copyboy19 copycat16 copying15 copyism16 copyist14 miscopy16 bioscopy17 copyable17 copybook21 copyboys20 copycats17 copydesk20 copyedit16 copygirl16 copyhold19 copyings16 copyisms17 copyists15 copyleft18 copyread16 episcopy17 otoscopy15 telecopy15 uroscopy15 zooscopy24 autoscopy16 copybooks22 copydesks21 copyedits17 copyfight23 copygirls17 copygraph22 copyholds20 copylefts19 copyreads17 copyright20 copytaker20 cryoscopy21 endoscopy17 fetoscopy19 horoscopy19 macrocopy20 manoscopy18 microcopy20 multicopy18 ouroscopy16 phenocopy21 photocopy21 poroscopy18 recopying17 skiascopy20 telescopy16 colposcopy21 copycatted20 copyedited19 copyfights24 copygraphs23 copyholder21 copylefted21 copyreader18 copyrights21 copytakers21 copywriter20 cystoscopy22 foetoscopy20 hieroscopy20 microscopy21 miscopying20 necroscopy19 radioscopy18 rhinoscopy20 urinoscopy17 copyeditor18 arthroscopy21 coelioscopy20 colonoscopy20 copycatting21 copyediting20 copyholders22 copylefting22 copyreaders19 copyreading20 copyrighted23 copyrighter22 copywriters21 copywriting22 cranioscopy20 fluoroscopy21 gastroscopy19 hepatoscopy23 laparoscopy20 metoposcopy22 nephroscopy23 oneiroscopy18 proctoscopy22 retinoscopy18 stereoscopy18 stethoscopy21 copyeditors19 bronchoscopy26 chalcopyrite24 copyreadings21 copyrighters23 copyrighting24 copywritings23 dactyloscopy25 deuteroscopy20 ebullioscopy21 galvanoscopy23 laryngoscopy23 microcopying24 ornithoscopy22 photocopying25 spectroscopy23 tracheoscopy24 urethroscopy22 hysteroscopy25 chalcopyrites25 copyrightable26 esophagoscopy26 microcopyings25 omoplatoscopy24 pharyngoscopy29 photocopyings26 rontgenoscopy21 sigmoidoscopy24 oesophagoscopy27 ophthalmoscopy31 peritoneoscopy23 roentgenoscopy22 ultramicroscopy26 uncopyrightable28

How to use COPY in a sentence

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