Cased is valid Scrabble Word

Is cased a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cased valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CASED in dictionary:

Words related to CASED

case6 cases7 casing9

Words that contain CASED

encased10 incased10 uncased10 carcased13 discased12 showcased18 slipcased14 lowercased16 staircased13 uppercased17

How to use CASED in a sentence

Similar words containing CAS without suffix ed

casa6 case6 cash9 cask10 cast6 ocas6 accas9 cacas9 casas7 casco9 cases7 casks11 casky14 caste7 casts7 casus7 cocas9 cycas12 micas9 orcas7 pacas9 picas9 socas7 yucas10 macas9 abacas10 arecas8 baccas12 barcas10 boccas12 casaba10 casava11 casbah13 cascos10 casefy14 caseic10 casein8 casern8 cashaw14 cashed12 cashes11 cashew14 cashoo11 casing9 casini8 casino8 casita8 casked13 casket12 casque17 cassia8 cassie8 cassis8 casted9 caster8 castes8 castle8 castor8 casual8 chicas13 dicast9 encase8 encash11 ericas8 fincas11 fracas11 incase8 meccas12 phocas13 plicas10 recast8 spicas10 uncase8 uncast8 upcast10 vincas11 wiccas13 yaccas13 yuccas13 dorcas9 alpacas11 aniccas11 arnicas9 becasse11 carcase11 carcass11 casabas11 casavas12 casbahs14 cascade12 cascara11 casease9 caseate9 caseins9 caselaw12 caseman11 casemen11 casemix18 caseose9 caseous9 Show more ...
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