Car is valid Scrabble Word

Is car a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is car valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CAR in dictionary:

Words related to CAR

carless9 cars6

Words that contain CAR

carb8 card7 care6 cark10 carl6 carn6 carp8 carr6 cars6 cart6 scar6 acari7 carap9 carat7 carbo9 carbs9 carby12 cardi8 cards8 cardy11 cared8 carer7 cares7 caret7 carex14 cargo8 carks11 carle7 carls7 carns7 carny10 carob9 carol7 carom9 caron7 carpi9 carps9 carrs7 carry10 carse7 carta7 carte7 carts7 carve10 carvy13 escar7 oscar7 scare7 scarf10 scarp9 scars7 scart7 scary10 vicar10 acarid9 acarus8 bicarb12 boxcar17 calcar10 carack14 caract10 carafe11 caraps10 carate8 carats8 carbon10 carbos10 carboy13 carcel10 cardan9 carded10 carder9 cardia9 cardie9 cardio9 cardis9 cardon9 careen8 career8 careme10 carers8 caress8 carets8 carfax18 carfox18 carful11 cargos9 carhop13 caribe10 caried9 caries8 carina8 caring9 carked13 carles8 carlin8 carlot8 carman10 carmen10 carnal8 carnet8 carney11 carnie8 carnyx18 carobs10 caroch13 caroli8 carols8 caroms10 carons8 carpal10 carped11 carpel10 carper10 carpet10 carpus10 carrat8 carrel8 carrom10 carron8 carrot8 carses8 carsey11 cartas8 carted9 cartel8 carter8 cartes8 carton8 cartop10 carved12 carvel11 carven11 carver11 carves11 circar10 decarb11 decare9 ecarte8 escarp10 escars8 jacare15 lascar8 oscars8 oxcart15 picara10 picaro10 scarab10 scarce10 scared9 scarer8 scares8 scarey11 scarfs11 scarpa10 scarph13 scarps10 scarre8 scarry11 scarth11 scarts8 siccar10 sircar8 soucar8 sowcar11 tricar8 trocar8 uncart8 vicars11 vicary14 becard11 acarian9 acarids10 acarine9 acaroid10 anticar9 apocarp13 ascared10 ascarid10 ascaris9 autocar9 baccara13 baccare13 bicarbs13 boxcars18 brocard12 bucardo12 calcars11 carabao11 carabid12 carabin11 caracal11 caracks15 caracol11 caracts11 caracul11 carafes12 caramba13 caramel11 caranna9 carapax18 carates9 carauna9 caravan12 caravel12 caraway15 carbarn11 carbeen11 carbene11 carbide12 carbies11 carbine11 carbons11 carbora11 carboys14 carcake15 carcase11 carcass11 carcels11 cardecu12 carders10 cardiac12 cardiae10 cardias10 cardies10 carding11 cardios10 cardons10 cardoon10 carduus10 careens9 careers9 careful12 caremes11 carfare12 carfuls12 cargoed11 cargoes10 carhops14 cariama11 caribes11 cariboo11 caribou11 carices11 cariere9 carinae9 carinal9 carinas9 carings10 carioca11 cariole9 cariose9 carious9 caritas9 carjack22 carking14 carless9 carline9 carling10 carlins9 carlish12 carload10 carlock15 carlots9 carmine11 carnage10 carnals9 carnets9 carneys12 carnied10 carnier9 carnies9 carnify15 carnose9 caroach14 caroche14 caroled10 caroler9 carolus9 caromed12 caromel11 carotid10 carotin9 carouse9 carpale11 carpals11 carpels11 carpers11 carpets11 carping12 carpool11 carport11 carrack15 carract11 carrats9 carrect11 carrell9 carrels9 carrick15 carried10

How to use CAR in a sentence

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