Bond is valid Scrabble Word

Is bond a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bond valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BOND in dictionary:

Words related to BOND

bondable13 bonded10 bonding11 bondless11 bonds8

Words that contain BOND

bonds8 bonded10 bonder9 bonduc11 bondage11 bonders10 bonding11 bondman12 bondmen12 bonducs12 turbond10 backbond19 bailbond13 bondable13 bondager12 bondages12 bondings12 bondless11 bondmaid14 bondsman13 bondsmen13 eurobond11 turbonds11 unbonded12 vagabond15 abondance14 backbonds20 bailbonds14 bondagers13 bondmaids15 bondstone12 bondwoman17 bondwomen17 eurobonds12 nonbonded13 vagabonds16 abondances15 bondholder17 bondstones13 bondswoman18 bondswomen18 nonbonding14 spunbonded16 vagabonded18 bondholders18 bondmanship21 bondservant17 counterbond16 vagabondage19 vagabonding19 vagabondise18 vagabondish21 vagabondism20 vagabondize27 antibonding15 bondmanships22 bondservants18 counterbonds17 vagabondages20 vagabondised20 vagabondises19 vagabondisms21 vagabondized29 vagabondizes28 vagabondising21 vagabondizing30

How to use BOND in a sentence

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