Bees is valid Scrabble Word

Is bees a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bees valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BEES in dictionary:

Words related to BEES


Words that contain BEES

baubees11 bawbees14 beebees11 beesome11 beeswax19 bribees11 jambees18 beesting11 beestung11 beeswing14 flambees15 freebees13 frisbees13 hartbees13 nanobees10 beestings12 beeswaxed22 beeswaxes21 beeswings15 harambees16 hartbeest14 honeybees17 scarabees13 tullibees11 wannabees14 beeswaxing23 beeswinged17 bumblebees18 hartbeeses15 hartbeests15 hartebeest15 humblebees19 wildebeest16 hartebeests16 wildebeests17

How to use BEES in a sentence

Similar words containing BEE without suffix s

bee5 beef9 been6 beep8 beer6 beet6 albee7 beech12 beedi8 beefs10 beefy13 beeps9 beers7 beery10 beets7 ambeer10 baubee10 bawbee13 beebee10 beechy16 beedie9 beefed12 beegah12 beenah11 beento8 beeped11 beeper10 beeted9 beetle8 beeves11 beezer17 bribee10 jambee17 unbeen8 ambeers11 baubees11 bawbees14 bebeeru11 beebees11 beechen14 beeches14 beedies10 beefalo12 beefier12 beefily15 beefing13 beegahs13 beehive15 beelike13 beeline9 beenahs12 beentos9 beepers11 beeping12 beerage10 beerier9 beerily12 beermat11 beernut9 beesome11 beeswax19 beetfly15 beeting10 beetled10 beetler9 beetles9 beeyard13 beezers18 bribees11 carbeen11 crubeen11 flambee14 freebee12 frisbee12 gombeen12 jambees18 nanobee9 peebeen11 shebeen12 bebeerus12 beebread13 beechier15 beechnut15 beefalos13 beefcake19 beefiest13 beefless13 beefwood17 beehived17 beehives16 beelined11 beelines10 beerages11 beerfest13 beerhall13 beeriest10 beermats12 beernuts10 beersies10 beesting11 beestung11 beeswing14 beetlers10 beetling11 beetroot10 beeyards14 carbeens12 crubeens12 flambeed16 flambees15 freebees13 frisbees13 gombeens13 harambee15 hartbees13 honeybee16 nanobees10 neckbeef19 peebeens12 scarabee12 shebeens13 tullibee10 wannabee13 bebeerine13 beebreads14 beechiest16 beechmast18 beechnuts16 beechwood20 beefaloes14 beefcakes20 beefeater14 beefiness14 beefsteak18 beefwoods18 beekeeper17 beelining12 beerfests14 beerhalls14 beeriness11 beestings12 beeswaxed22 beeswaxes21 beeswings15 beetflies14 beetroots11 bumblebee17 dahabeeah18 dorbeetle12 harambees16 hartbeest14 honeybees17 humblebee18 neckbeefs20 scarabees13 shebeened15 shebeener14 tullibees11 wannabees14 bebeerines14 beechdrops20 beechmasts19 beechwoods21 beefburger18 beefeaters15 beefsteaks19 beekeepers18 beekeeping19 beeswaxing23 beeswinged17 beetlehead16 beetmaster14 beetmister14 bumblebees18 dahabeeahs19 dahabeeyah22 dorbeetles13 flambeeing18 gombeenism17 hartbeeses15 hartbeests15 hartebeest15 humblebees19 shebeeners15 shebeening16 wildebeest16 beefburgers19 beefinesses16 beekeepings20 beerinesses13 beetlebrain15 beetleheads17 beetmasters15 beetmisters15 dahabeeyahs23 gombeenisms18 hartebeests16 shebeenings17 wildebeests17 beetlebrains16 beetleheaded19 beetlebrained18
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