Bands is valid Scrabble Word

Is bands a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bands valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BANDS in dictionary:

Words related to BANDS

band7 banded10 banding11

Words that contain BANDS

abands9 bandsaw13 ribands10 robands10 armbands13 bandsaws14 bandsman13 bandsmen13 bandster11 disbands12 hatbands14 haybands17 husbands14 manbands13 probands13 ribbands13 salbands11 turbands11 backbands20 bandshell15 bandstand13 bandsters12 basebands14 browbands17 fahlbands18 hairbands15 headbands16 neckbands18 nosebands12 passbands14 platbands14 rainbands12 sarabands12 sidebands13 stopbands14 wavebands18 widebands16 bandsawed16 bandshells16 bandstands14 bellybands18 blackbands21 broadbands16 crossbands15 shirtbands16 spacebands17 sweatbands16 trainbands13 waistbands16 watchbands21 wristbands16 bandsawing17 powerbands18 contrabands16 greasebands15 narrowbands17 bandspreading20 househusbands22 bandspreadings21 ultrawidebands21

How to use BANDS in a sentence

Similar words containing BAND without suffix s

band7 aband8 banda8 bandh11 bandy11 abands9 bandar9 bandas9 banded10 bander9 bandhs12 bandit9 bandog10 riband9 roband9 abanded11 abandon10 armband12 bandage11 bandaid11 bandana10 bandari10 bandars10 bandbox19 bandeau10 banders10 bandied11 bandier10 bandies10 banding11 bandito10 bandits10 bandogs11 bandook14 bandora10 bandore10 bandrol10 bandsaw13 bandura10 disband11 hatband13 hayband16 husband13 manband12 midband13 proband12 ribands10 ribband12 robands10 salband10 turband10 abanding12 abandons11 armbands13 backband19 bandaged13 bandager12 bandages12 bandanas11 bandanna11 bandaris11 bandeaus11 bandeaux18 bandeira11 bandelet11 banderol11 bandfish17 bandiest11 bandings12 banditos11 banditry14 banditti11 bandmate13 bandooks15 bandoras11 bandores11 bandpass13 bandrols11 bandsaws14 bandsman13 bandsmen13 bandster11 banduras11 bandying15 bandyman16 bandymen16 baseband13 browband16 disbands12 fahlband17 hairband14 hatbands14 haybands17 headband15 husbands14 manbands13 neckband17 noseband11 passband13 platband13 probands13 rainband11 ribbands13 salbands11 saraband11 sideband12 stopband13 turbands11 unbanded12 waveband17 wideband15 bandlike15 abandoned13 abandonee12 abandoner12 backbands20 bandagers13 bandaging14 bandalore12 bandannas12 bandboxes21 bandbrake18 bandeiras12 bandelets12 bandelier12 banderole12 banderols12 bandicoot14 bandiness12 bandittis12 bandmates14 bandobast14 bandobust14 bandoleer12 bandoleon12 bandolero12 bandolier12 bandoline12 bandoneon12 bandonion12 bandshell15 bandstand13 bandsters12 bandwagon16 bandwidth19 bandyings16 basebands14 bellyband17 blackband20 broadband15 browbands17 crossband14 disbanded14 fahlbands18 hairbands15 headbands16 husbanded16 husbander15 husbandly18 husbandry18 multiband14 neckbands18 nosebands12 passbands14 platbands14 rainbands12 sarabande12 sarabands12 shirtband15 sidebands13 spaceband16 stopbands14 sweatband15 trainband12 unbandage13 waistband15 watchband20 wavebands18 widebands16 wristband15 bandsawed16 bandurist12 powerband17 notebandi12 abandonees13 abandoners13 abandoning14 alabandine13 alabandite13 bandagings15 bandalores13 bandbrakes19 bandeliers13 banderilla13 banderoles13 bandfishes19 bandicoots15 banditries13 bandleader14 bandmaster15 bandobasts15 bandobusts15 bandoleers13 bandoleons13 bandoleros13 bandoliers13 bandolined14 bandolines13 bandoneons13 bandonions13 bandpasses15 bandshells16 bandstands14 bandwagons17 bandwidths20 bellybands18 blackbands21 broadbands16 contraband15 crossbands15 disbanding15 greaseband14 husbandage17 husbanders16 husbanding17 husbandman18 husbandmen18 narrowband16 nosebanded14 sarabandes13 shirtbands16 spacebands17 sweatbands16 trainbands13 unbandaged15 unbandages14 waistbands16 watchbands21 wristbands16 bandsawing17 bandurists13 powerbands18 notebandis13 abandonedly18 abandonment16 abandonware17 alabandines14 alabandites14 bandeirante14 banderillas14 bandicooted17 bandinesses14 bandleaders15 bandmasters16 bandoleered15 bandoliered15 bandolining15 contrabands16 crossbanded17 disbandment17 greasebands15 husbandages18 husbandland18 husbandless17 husbandlike21 husbandries17 narrowbands17 unbandaging16 unhusbanded18 husbandlier17 abandonments17 abandonwares18 bandeirantes15 banderillero15 bandersnatch20 bandicooting18 crossbanding18 disbandments18 househusband21 husbandlands19 husbandliest18 banderilleros16 bandspreading20 contrabandism20 contrabandist18 crossbandings19 househusbands22 ultrawideband20 bandersnatches22 bandspreadings21 contrabandisms21 contrabandists19 ultrawidebands21
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