Badly is valid Scrabble Word

Is badly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is badly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BADLY in dictionary:

Words related to BADLY

illy7 poorly11

How to use BADLY in a sentence

Similar words containing BAD without suffix ly

bad6 bade7 bads7 baddy12 badge9 aubade9 badass9 badder10 baddie10 badged11 badger10 badges10 badman11 badmen11 forbad12 ibadah12 ibadat9 tebbad11 aubades10 baddest11 baddies11 baddish14 badgers11 badging12 badious10 badland11 badmash15 badness10 badware13 feelbad13 forbade13 gambade13 gambado13 kabaddi15 lambada12 prebade12 rebadge11 subadar10 tebbads12 tribade10 tribady13 badassed12 badasses11 badgered13 badgerly15 badinage12 badlands12 badmouth16 badwares14 gambades14 gambados14 kabaddis16 lambadas13 murdabad14 rebadged13 rebadges12 subadars11 subadult11 superbad13 tribades11 tribadic13 zindabad21 feelbads14 badgeless13 badgering14 badinaged14 badinages13 badinerie12 badmashes17 badminton14 badmouths17 badnesses12 cebadilla14 gambadoed16 gambadoes15 rebadging14 sabadilla12 subadults12 tribadies12 tribadism14 badderlock20 badinaging15 badineries13 badmintons15 badmouthed19 cebadillas15 gambadoing17 sabadillas13 tribadisms15 troubadour13 badgerlier14 baddeleyite18 badderlocks21 badmouthing20 troubadours14 counterbade16 badgerliest15 baddeleyites19 subadolescent18 subadolescents19
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