Ute is valid Scrabble Word

Is ute a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ute valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UTE in dictionary:

Words related to UTE

utes4 utility10

Words that contain UTE

bute6 cute6 jute11 lute4 mute6 utes4 tute4 acute7 brute7 buteo7 butes7 chute10 cuter7 cutes7 cutey10 elute5 flute8 glute6 haute8 jutes12 lutea5 luted6 luter5 lutes5 muted8 muter7 mutes7 outed6 outer5 route5 saute5 scute7 shute8 tutee5 uteri5 vaute8 faute8 acuter8 acutes8 arbute8 argute7 astute6 auteur6 bruted9 bruter8 brutes8 butene8 buteos8 cautel8 cauter8 chuted12 chutes11 couter8 croute8 cutely11 cutest8 cutesy11 cuteys11 dauted8 depute9 dilute7 douted8 douter7 eluted7 elutes6 emeute8 fauted10 fluted10 fluter9 flutes9 flutey12 fouter9 frutex16 glutei7 gluten7 glutes7 hauter9 houted10 impute10 louted7 luteal6 lutein6 luters6 luteum8 minute8 mouter8 mutely11 mutest8 nasute6 neuter6 outeat6 outers6 plutei8 pouted9 pouter8 puteal8 puteli8 refute9 repute8 routed7 router6 Show more ...

How to use UTE in a sentence

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