Trivial is valid Scrabble Word

Is trivial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trivial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRIVIAL in dictionary:

Words related to TRIVIAL

fiddling14 footling12 piddly13 trivially15 trivialness14

Words that contain TRIVIAL

trivially15 nontrivial13 trivialise13 trivialism15 trivialist13 triviality16 trivialize22 trivialised15 trivialises14 trivialisms16 trivialists14 trivialized24 trivializes23 trivialness14 trivialising16 trivialities15 trivializing25 trivialnesses16 trivialisation17 trivialization26 trivialisations18 trivializations27

How to use TRIVIAL in a sentence

Similar words containing VI without suffix al and without prefix tri

via6 vid7 vie6 vig7 vim8 vin6 vis6 vip8 avid8 devi8 divi8 evil7 nevi7 viae7 vial7 vias7 vibe9 vibs9 vice9 vide8 vids8 vied8 vier7 vies7 view10 viff13 viga8 vigs8 vild8 vile7 vill7 vims9 vina7 vine7 vino7 vins7 vint7 viny10 viol7 vire7 virl7 visa7 vise7 vita7 vite7 viva10 vive10 vivo10 vizy19 vici9 avis7 anvil8 avian8 avine8 avion8 avise8 aviso8 avize17 bavin10 bivia10 bovid11 bravi10 cavie10 cavil10 civic12 civie10 civil10 clavi10 covin10 davit9 devil9 devis9 divis9 dovie9 ervil8 evict10 evils8 evite8 ivied9 ivies8 juvie15 kevil12 levin8 levis8 livid9 lovie8 mavie10 mavin10 mavis10 movie10 naevi8 ovine8 ovist8 pavid11 pavin10 pavis10 ravin8 revie8 savin8 vials8 Show more ...
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