Tonics is valid Scrabble Word

Is tonics a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tonics valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TONICS in dictionary:

Words related to TONICS


Words that contain TONICS

atonics9 photonics16 platonics13 subtonics13 tectonics13 catatonics14 supertonics15 cardiotonics17 geotectonics17 somatotonics16 cerebrotonics19 architectonics23

How to use TONICS in a sentence

Similar words containing TONIC without suffix s

tonic7 atonic8 atonics9 ketonic13 acetonic12 cratonic12 crotonic12 daltonic11 diatonic11 dystonic14 epitonic12 isotonic10 lactonic12 leptonic12 myotonic15 nektonic14 nontonic10 oxytonic20 peptonic14 photonic15 phytonic18 platonic12 plutonic12 pretonic12 protonic12 subtonic12 syntonic13 tectonic12 tonicity13 atonicity14 auxotonic18 catatonic13 excitonic20 homotonic16 hypotonic19 megatonic14 monotonic13 neustonic11 paratonic13 photonics16 platonics13 santonica11 semitonic13 stratonic11 subtonics13 tectonics13 tonically14 vagotonic15 catatonics14 heptatonic17 hypertonic20 orthotonic15 pentatonic14 phototonic17 planktonic18 pleustonic14 santonicas12 skeletonic16 supertonic14 tonicities12 atonicities13 cardiotonic16 diatonicism16 geotectonic16 isotonicity16 paroxytonic25 somatotonic15 supertonics15 cardiotonics17 cerebrotonic18 diatonically18 diatonicisms17 electrotonic16 geotectonics17 hypotonicity25 isotonically17 monotonicity19 opisthotonic19 platonically19 somatotonics16 syntonically20 tectonically19 viscerotonic19 architectonic22 catatonically20 cerebrotonics19 hypertonicity26 isotonicities15 monotonically20 semitonically20 zooplanktonic30 architectonics23 hypotonicities24 monotonicities18 geotectonically23 hypertonicities25 phytoplanktonic31 electrotonicall19 architectonical24 electrotonically23 Show more ...
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