Sis is valid Scrabble Word

Is sis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SIS in dictionary:

Words related to SIS

si2 sises5 sisses6 sister6

Words that contain SIS

psis6 siss4 sist4 apsis7 arsis5 basis7 desis6 lysis8 oasis5 sisal5 sises5 sissy8 sista5 sists5 assist6 cassis8 crasis8 crisis8 cyesis11 desist7 diesis7 ecesis8 emesis8 enosis6 gnosis7 insist6 lassis6 miosis8 missis8 myasis11 myosis11 nkosis10 noesis6 pepsis10 phasis11 physis14 ptosis8 pyosis11 resist6 sensis6 sepsis8 sisals6 siskin10 sisses6 sissoo6 sistas6 sisted7 sister6 sistra6 stasis6 thesis9 tmesis8 tulsis6 tussis6 ulosis6 uresis6 urosis6 whosis12 abiosis9 algesis8 anoesis7 aphesis12 ascesis9 asepsis9 askesis11 assists7 auxesis14 bassist9 bossism11 chassis12 classis9 consist9 dalasis8 desists8 dulosis8 ecdysis13 ectasis9 endysis11 entasis7 falsish13 falsism12 gaposis10 genesis8 gliosis8 inkosis11 insists7 kenosis11 ketosis11 kinesis11 krypsis16 limosis9 loiasis7 meiosis9 merisis9 mimesis11 missish12 mitosis9 monosis9 mycosis14 myiasis12 Show more ...

How to use SIS in a sentence

Similar words containing SI without suffix s

si2 psi5 sib5 sic5 sif6 sig4 sik7 sim5 sin3 sip5 sir3 sit3 six10 desi5 isit4 nisi4 psis6 sial4 sibb8 sibs6 sice6 sich9 sick10 sics6 sida5 side5 sidh8 sien4 sies4 sift7 sigh8 sign5 sigs5 sijo11 sika8 sike8 sild5 sile4 silk8 sill4 silo4 silt4 sima6 simi6 simp8 sims6 sind5 sine4 sing5 sinh7 sink8 sins4 sipe6 sips6 sire4 siri4 sirs4 siss4 sist4 site4 sith7 sits4 sitz13 size13 sizy16 absit7 aesir5 apsis7 arsis5 aside6 basic9 basij14 basil7 basin7 basis7 bassi7 besit7 bosie7 byssi10 cosie7 cursi7 desis6 elsin5 eosin5 esile5 fusil8 lassi5 lysin8 lysis8 mesic9 music9 musit7 mysid11 nkosi9 oasis5 opsin7 osier5 ossia5 pepsi9 posit7 Show more ...
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