Resolving is valid Scrabble Word

Is resolving a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is resolving valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RESOLVING in dictionary:

Words related to RESOLVING

resolve10 resolved12 resolves11

Words that contain RESOLVING


How to use RESOLVING in a sentence

Similar words containing SOLV without suffix ing and without prefix re

solve8 solved10 solver9 solves9 absolve12 resolve10 solvate10 solvent10 solvers10 solving11 absolved14 absolver13 absolves13 dissolve12 presolve13 resolved12 resolver11 resolves11 solvable13 solvated12 solvates11 solvency16 solvents11 unsolved12 absolvent14 absolvers14 absolving15 dissolved14 dissolver13 dissolves13 insolvent12 presolved15 presolves14 resolvent12 resolvers12 solvating13 solvation12 solvently15 absolvable17 absolvents15 absolvitor15 dissolvent14 dissolvers14 dissolving15 insolvable15 insolvably18 insolvency18 insolvents13 nonsolvent13 presolving16 redissolve14 resolvable15 resolvedly17 resolvents13 solvations13 solvencies15 solvolyses16 solvolysis16 solvolytic18 unabsolved16 unresolved14 unsolvable15 unsolvably18 absolvitors16 dissolvable17 dissolvents15 dissolvings16 redissolved16 redissolves15 solvability19 solventless14 undissolved16 insolvencies17 irresolvable17 irresolvably20 redissolving17 resolvedness16 solvableness17 undissolving17 unresolvable17 unresolvably20 indissolvable19 insolvability21 plumbisolvent22 plumbosolvent22 resolvability21 solvabilities18 dissolvability23 plumbisolvency28 plumbosolvency28 resolvableness19 resolvednesses18 solvablenesses19 unresolvedness18 dissolvableness21 insolvabilities20 irresolvability23 resolvabilities20
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