Repels is valid Scrabble Word

Is repels a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is repels valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REPELS in dictionary:

Words related to REPELS

repel7 repelled11 repelling12

How to use REPELS in a sentence

Similar words containing PEL without suffix s and without prefix re

pel5 pela6 pele6 pelf9 pell6 pels6 pelt6 appel9 cupel9 expel14 impel9 lapel7 pelas7 pelau7 peles7 pelfs10 pells7 pelma9 pelon7 pelta7 pelts7 repel7 speld8 spelk11 spell7 spelt7 appels10 bepelt10 carpel10 chapel13 compel12 cupels10 curpel10 dispel9 drupel9 expels15 gospel9 impels10 lapels8 lappel10 pelage9 pelaus8 pelham13 pelite8 pelled9 pellet8 pellum10 pelmas10 pelmet10 peloid9 pelons8 pelory11 pelota8 peltae8 peltas8 pelted9 pelter8 peltry11 pelves11 pelvic13 pelvis11 propel10 rappel10 ripely11 sapele8 spelds9 spelks12 spells8 spelts8 speltz17 stipel8 tupelo8 apelike13 bepelts11 capelan11 capelet11 capelin11 carpels11 chapels14 compels13 cupeled12 cupeler11 curpels11 dispels10 drupels10 gospels10 graupel10 lapeled10 lappels11 pelages10 pelagic12 pelhams14 pelican11 pelisse9 pelites9 pelitic11 pellach14 pellack15 pellets9 pelling10 Show more ...
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