Owl is valid Scrabble Word

Is owl a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is owl valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OWL in dictionary:

Words related to OWL

howlet12 owled9 owling10 owllike14 owls7

Words that contain OWL

bowl9 cowl9 dowl8 fowl10 gowl8 howl10 jowl14 nowl7 owls7 owly10 sowl7 yowl10 bowls10 cowls10 dowle9 dowls9 dowly12 fowls11 gowls9 growl9 howls11 jowls15 jowly18 lowly11 nowls8 owled9 owler8 owlet8 prowl10 scowl10 sowle8 sowls8 thowl11 yowls11 behowl14 bowled12 bowleg12 bowler11 cowled12 dowlas10 dowles10 dowlne10 fowled13 fowler12 gowlan10 gowled11 growls10 growly13 howled13 howler12 howlet12 jowled17 jowler16 owlers9 owlery12 owlets9 owlier9 owling10 owlish12 prowls11 scowls11 scrowl11 slowly12 sowled10 sowles9 thowls12 uncowl11 yowled13 yowler12 yowley15 batfowl15 behowls15 bowlder13 bowlegs13 bowlers12 bowless12 bowlful15 bowlike16 bowline12 bowling13 cowlick18 cowlike16 cowling13 dowlier11 dowlnes11 dowlney14 fowlers13 fowling14 fowlpox22 gowland12 gowlans11 gowling12 growled12 growler11 howlers13 howlets13 howling14 jowlers17 jowlier17 jowling18 lowland11 Show more ...

How to use OWL in a sentence

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