Oos is valid Scrabble Word

Is oos a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oos valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OOS in dictionary:

Words related to OOS


Words that contain OOS

boos6 coos6 doos5 foos7 goos5 loos4 moos6 oose4 oosy7 poos6 roos4 woos7 zoos13 aloos5 boose7 boost7 broos7 coost7 goose6 goosy9 hoosh11 loose5 moose7 noose5 ooses5 roosa5 roose5 roost5 shoos8 woose8 woosh11 achoos11 agloos7 baboos10 baloos8 bazoos17 boosed9 booses8 boosts8 broose8 buroos8 choose11 choosy14 coosen8 cooser8 coosin8 doosra7 floosy12 gazoos16 goosed8 gooses7 goosey10 igloos7 karoos10 kazoos19 loosed7 loosen6 looser6 looses6 loosie6 napoos8 noosed7 nooser6 nooses6 oosier6 potoos8 ratoos6 razoos15 roosas6 roosed7 rooser6 rooses6 roosts6 scoosh11 shoosh12 skoosh13 sloosh9 smoosh11 snoose6 swoosh12 taboos8 wahoos12 wazoos18 whoosh15 woosel9 wooses9 yahoos12 zhoosh21 dooses7 baboosh14 bamboos13 bloosme11 booboos11 boocoos11 boohoos12 bookoos13 booshit12 boosing10 boosted10 booster9 brooses9 Show more ...

How to use OOS in a sentence

Similar words containing OO without suffix s

oo2 boo5 coo5 doo4 foo6 goo4 hoo6 loo3 moo5 noo3 oof6 ooh6 oom5 oon3 oop5 oor3 oot3 poo5 roo3 too3 woo6 zoo12 aloo4 boob8 booh9 book10 bool6 boom8 boon6 boor6 boos6 boot6 broo6 coof9 cook10 cool6 coom8 coon6 coop8 coos6 coot6 doob7 dook9 dool5 doom7 doon5 door5 doos5 food8 fool7 foos7 foot7 good6 goof8 goog6 gook9 gool5 goon5 goop7 goor5 goos5 hood8 hoof10 hook11 hoon7 hoop9 hoor7 hoot7 jook15 kook12 loof7 look8 loom6 loon4 loop6 loor4 loos4 loot4 mood7 mooi6 mook10 mool6 moon6 moop8 moor6 moos6 moot6 noob6 nook8 noon4 noop6 oofs7 oofy10 oohs7 ooms6 oons4 oont4 oops6 oose4 oosy7 Show more ...
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