Moot is valid Scrabble Word

Is moot a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is moot valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MOOT in dictionary:

Words related to MOOT

debatable14 mootable12 mooted9 mooter8 mooters9 mootest9 mooting10 mootings11 mootness10 moots7 mot5

Words that contain MOOT

moots7 smoot7 mooted9 mooter8 smooth11 smoots8 mooters9 mootest9 mooting10 mootman11 mootmen11 smooted10 smoothe12 smooths12 smoothy15 besmooth15 folkmoot17 mootable12 mootings11 mootness10 resmooth13 smoothed14 smoothen13 smoother13 smoothes13 smoothie13 smoothly16 smooting11 unsmooth13 besmooths16 folkmoots18 resmooths14 smoothens14 smoothers14 smoothest14 smoothies14 smoothing15 smoothish17 unsmooths14 besmoothed18 mootnesses12 resmoothed16 smoothable17 smoothbore17 smoothened16 smoothings16 smoothness15 smoothpate17 unsmoothed16 besmoothing19 resmoothing17 smoothbored19 smoothbores18 smoothening17 smoothpates18 supersmooth18 ultrasmooth16 unsmoothing17 smoothnesses17

How to use MOOT in a sentence

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