Noo is valid Scrabble Word

Is noo a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is noo valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NOO in dictionary:

Words that contain NOO

noob6 nook8 noon4 noop6 noobs7 nooit5 nooks9 nooky12 noons5 noops7 noose5 snood6 snook9 snool5 snoop7 snoot5 nanook10 noodge8 noodle7 noogie7 nookie10 nooned7 nooner6 noosed7 nooser6 nooses6 shnook13 snoods7 snooks10 snools6 snoops8 snoopy11 snoose6 snoots6 snooty9 snooze15 snoozy18 chinook16 desnood9 midnoon10 nanooks11 noodged10 noodges9 noodled9 noodles8 noogies8 nookier11 nookies11 noology11 noonday11 nooners7 nooning8 noosers7 noosing8 prenoon9 schnook16 shnooks14 snooded9 snooked12 snooker11 snooled8 snooped10 snooper9 snooses7 snooted8 snoozed17 snoozer16 snoozes16 snoozle16 anoopsia10 burnoose10 canoodle11 chinooks17 desnoods10 dipnoous11 forenoon11 junkanoo19 midnoons11 noodging11 noodling10 nookiest12 nooklike16 noometry13 noondays12 noonings9 noontide9 noontime10 schnooks17 snooding10 snookers12 snooking13 snooling9 snoopers10 snoopier10 snoopily13 snooping11 snootful11 snootier8 snootily11 snooting9 snoozers17 Show more ...

How to use NOO in a sentence

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