Baths is valid Scrabble Word

Is baths a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is baths valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BATHS in dictionary:

Words related to BATHS

bath9 thermally17

Words that contain BATHS

bedbaths16 eyebaths16 isobaths13 mudbaths16 sabbaths15 sunbaths13 birdbaths17 eurybaths17 footbaths17 bloodbaths18 stenobaths15

How to use BATHS in a sentence

Similar words containing BATH without suffix s

bath9 bathe10 bathed12 bather11 bathes11 bathos11 bathers12 bathing13 bathmat14 bathmic16 bathtub14 bathyal15 bedbath15 embathe14 eyebath15 imbathe14 isobath12 mudbath15 sabbath14 sunbath12 bathcube17 bathetic15 bathings14 bathless13 bathmats15 bathmism17 bathorse13 bathoses13 bathrobe15 bathroom15 bathtubs15 bedbaths16 birdbath16 embathed16 embathes15 eurybath16 eyebaths16 footbath16 imbathed16 imbathes15 isobaths13 mudbaths16 sabbaths15 sunbathe13 sunbaths13 unbathed14 bathcubes18 bathhouse17 bathmisms18 batholite14 batholith17 bathorses14 bathrobes16 bathrooms16 bathwater17 bathybius19 bathylite17 bathylith20 birdbaths17 bloodbath17 embathing17 eurybaths17 footbaths17 imbathing17 isobathic16 stenobath14 sunbathed15 sunbather14 sunbathes14 bathhouses18 bathmizvah32 batholites15 batholiths18 batholitic17 bathometer17 bathometry20 bathwaters18 bathylites18 bathyliths21 bathylitic20 bathymeter20 bathymetry23 bathyscape22 bathyscaph25 bloodbaths18 eurybathic20 stenobaths15 sunbathers15 sunbathing16 bathmitsvah24 bathmitzvah33 bathmizvahs33 bathochrome23 batholithic21 bathometers18 bathometric20 bathophobia23 bathybiuses21 bathylithic24 bathymeters21 Show more ...
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