Mm is valid Scrabble Word

Is mm a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mm valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MM in dictionary:

Words that contain MM

hmm10 mmm9 umm7 ammo8 comm10 emma8 emmy11 hmmm13 immy11 mumm10 umma8 amman9 ammon9 ammos9 comma11 commo11 comms11 commy14 damme10 dummy13 emmas9 emmer9 emmet9 emmew12 emmys12 femme12 femmy15 flamm12 gamma10 gamme10 gammy13 gemma10 gemmy13 gimme10 gumma10 gummi10 gummy13 hammy15 homme12 immew12 immit9 immix16 jammy19 jemmy19 jimmy19 kamme13 lammy12 lemma9 lemme9 limma9 lumme9 lummy12 mamma11 mammy14 momma11 mommy14 mumms11 mummy14 namma9 nummy12 pommy14 rammy12 rummy12 rymme12 sammy12 stumm9 summa9 tammy12 tommy12 tummy12 ummah12 ummas9 ummed10 yummo12 yummy15 ammans10 ammine10 ammino10 ammono10 ammons10 bammed13 bammer12 bommie12 bummed13 bummel12 bummer12 bummle12 cammed13 cammie12 chammy18 chemmy18 chummy18 clammy15 commas12 commer12 commie12 commis12 commit12 commix19 common12 Show more ...

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