Mm is valid Scrabble Word

Is mm a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mm valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MM in dictionary:

Words that contain MM

hmm10 mmm9 umm7 ammo8 comm10 emma8 emmy11 hmmm13 immy11 mumm10 umma8 amman9 ammon9 ammos9 comma11 commo11 comms11 commy14 damme10 dummy13 emmas9 emmer9 emmet9 emmew12 emmys12 femme12 femmy15 flamm12 gamma10 gamme10 gammy13 gemma10 gemmy13 gimme10 gumma10 gummi10 gummy13 hammy15 homme12 immew12 immit9 immix16 jammy19 jemmy19 jimmy19 kamme13 lammy12 lemma9 lemme9 limma9 lumme9 lummy12 mamma11 mammy14 momma11 mommy14 mumms11 mummy14 namma9 nummy12 pommy14 rammy12 rummy12 rymme12 sammy12 stumm9 summa9 tammy12 tommy12 tummy12 ummah12 ummas9 ummed10 yummo12 yummy15 ammans10 ammine10 ammino10 ammono10 ammons10 bammed13 bammer12 bommie12 bummed13 bummel12 bummer12 bummle12 cammed13 cammie12 chammy18 chemmy18 chummy18 clammy15 commas12 commer12 commie12 commis12 commit12 commix19 common12 commos12 commot12 crummy15 cummed13 cummer12 cummin12 dammar11 dammed12 dammer11 dammit11 dhamma14 dhimmi14 dimmed12 dimmer11 drummy14 emmers10 emmesh13 emmets10 emmews13 emmove13 femmes13 flamms13 gammas11 gammat11 gammed12 gammer11 gammes11 gammon11 gemmae11 gemman11 gemmed12 gemmen11 gimmal11 gimmer11 gimmes11 gimmie11 gimmor11 glammy14 gnamma11 gramma11 gramme11 gremmy14 gummas11 gummed12 gummer11 gummis11 gymmal14 hammal13 hammam15 hammed14 hammer13 hemmed14 hemmer13 hommes13 hommos13 hummed14 hummel13 hummer13 hummle13 hummum15 hummus13 immane10 immask14 immesh13 immews13 immies10 immits10 immune10 immure10 jammed18 jammer17 jimmie17 kimmer14 kummel14 lammed11 lammer10 lammie10 lemmas10 limmas10 limmer10 lummox17 mammae12 mammal12 mammas12 mammee12 mammer12 mammet12 mammey15 mammie12 mammon12 mimmer12 mommas12 mommet12 mummed13 mummer12 mummia12 nimmed11 nimmer10 plummy15 pommee12 pommel12 pommie12 pummel12 rammed11 rammel10 rammer10 rammle10 rimmed11 rimmer10 rummer10 rymmed14 rymmes13 sammed11 scummy15 semmit10 shammy16 shimmy16 shtumm13 simmer10 slummy13 spammy15 stemma10 stemme10 stemmy13 summae10 summar10 summas10 summat10 summed11 summer10 summit10 summon10 swimmy16 tammar10 tammie10 tommed11 ummahs13 umming11 vommed14 vummed14 wammul13 wammus13 whammo16 whammy19 whimmy19 wimmin13 wommit13 yammer13 yemmer13 zimmer19 sammie10 ammeter11 ammines11 ammiral11 ammonal11 ammonia11 ammonic13 bammers13 bamming14 blammed14 bommies13 brimmed14 brimmer13 brommer13 brummer13 bummalo13 bummels13 bummers13 bummest13 bumming14 bummled14 bummles13 bummock19 cammies13 camming14 chommie16 chummed17 clammed14 clammer13 clemmed14 command14 commata13 commend14 comment13 commere13 commers13 commies13 commish16 commits13 commixt20 commode14 commodo14 commons13 commote13 commots13 commove16 commune13 commute13 crammed14 crammer13

How to use MM in a sentence

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