Hong is valid Scrabble Word

Is hong a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hong valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HONG in dictionary:

Words related to HONG

honging12 hongs9 hung8

Words that contain HONG

hongi9 hongs9 thong9 hongis10 thongs10 thongy13 hongied12 hongies11 honging12 nihonga11 thonged12 hongiing13 nihongas12 pakthong18 soochong14 souchong14 thongier12 thonging13 diphthong19 pakthongs19 soochongs15 souchongs15 thongiest13 diphthongs20 shongololo14 triphthong19 diphthongal21 diphthonged22 diphthongic23 monophthong22 shongololos15 triphthongs20 diphthonging23 diphthongise22 diphthongize31 monophthongs23 triphthongal21 diphthongally26 diphthongised24 diphthongises23 diphthongized33 diphthongizes32 monophthongal24 diphthongising25 diphthongizing34 monophthongise25 monophthongize34 monophthongised27 monophthongises26 monophthongized36 monophthongizes35 diphthongizatio34 diphthongization35 diphthongizations36

How to use HONG in a sentence

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