Hens is valid Scrabble Word

Is hens a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hens valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HENS in dictionary:

Words related to HENS


Words that contain HENS

thens8 whens11 cohens11 gorhens11 hyphens18 kuchens16 lichens12 mudhens13 peahens12 richens12 sazhens19 sephens12 sithens10 burthens13 freshens14 grayhens15 greyhens15 harshens14 heathens14 kitchens17 moorhens13 roughens12 toughens12 witchens16 woodhens15 youthens14 attrahens12 dakerhens17 groschens15 hazelhens24 lengthens13 parishens14 prehensor14 smoothens14 thiophens17 waterhens15 prehensile15 prehension15 prehensive18 prehensors15 prehensory18 refreshens16 schatchens20 unburthens15 whensoever19 burthensome18 disburthens17 prehensible18 prehensions16 strengthens15 apprehension19 apprehensive22 overburthens20 prehensility20 prehensorial17 reprehension17 reprehensive20 reprehensory20 apprehensible22 apprehensibly25 apprehensions20 comprehension22 comprehensive25 overlengthens20 reprehensible20 reprehensibly23 reprehensions18 restrengthens17 nonprehensile18 acetaminophens23 apprehensively27 comprehensible25 comprehensibly28 comprehensions23 comprehensives26 inapprehension21 inapprehensive24 prehensilities19 reprehensively25 unapprehensive24 comprehensively30 comprehensivise27 comprehensivize36 inapprehensible24 inapprehensions22 incomprehension24 incomprehensive27 irreprehensible22 irreprehensibly25 misapprehension24 misapprehensive27 unapprehensible24 uncomprehensive27 incomprehensibl26 intercomprehens24 apprehensivenes25 miscomprehensio26 comprehensiblen26 reprehensiblene22 comprehensibili26 comprehensivene27 Show more ...

How to use HENS in a sentence

Similar words containing HEN without suffix s

hen6 hend8 hent7 shen7 then7 when10 ahent8 ashen8 cohen10 hence10 hends9 henge9 henna8 henny11 henry11 hents8 kohen12 phene10 shend9 shent8 thens8 whens11 hench13 achene11 chenar11 chenet11 chenix18 cohens11 eothen9 ethene9 eughen10 ewghen13 gorhen10 henbit11 hended11 henges10 henley12 hennas9 henned10 henner9 hennin9 henrys12 hented10 hyphen17 kuchen15 lathen9 lichen11 mudhen12 peahen11 phenes11 phenic13 phenix18 phenol11 phenom13 phenyl14 richen11 rushen9 sazhen18 sephen11 shenai9 shends10 sithen9 sphene11 thenal9 thenar9 thence11 washen12 whenas12 whence14 whenua12 whenwe15 yshend13 yshent12 huchen14 abhenry15 achenes12 achenia12 anywhen16 astheny13 beechen14 birchen14 bitchen14 burthen12 catchen14 chenars12 chenets12 earthen10 ethenes10 forhent13 freshen13 gorhens11 grayhen14 greyhen14 harshen13 heathen13 henbane12 henbits12 hencoop14 hending12 henleys13 Show more ...
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