Fries is valid Scrabble Word

Is fries a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fries valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FRIES in dictionary:

Words related to FRIES

fry9 frying13

Words that contain FRIES

refries10 belfries13 panfries13 chiefries17 clamjamfries28 gallimaufries19

How to use FRIES in a sentence

Similar words containing FRIE without suffix s

fried9 frier8 friend10 friers9 frieze18 friends11 friezed20 friezes19 refried11 refries10 befriend14 belfried14 belfries13 defriend13 friended13 friendly15 friezing21 panfried14 panfries13 unfriend12 befriends15 boyfriend18 chiefries17 defriends14 friedcake19 friending14 unfriends13 penfriend15 befriended17 befriender16 boyfriends19 defriended16 friedcakes20 friendings15 friendless14 friendlier14 friendlies14 friendlily17 friendship19 friezelike26 girlfriend15 unfriended15 unfriendly17 penfriends16 befrienders17 befriending18 defriending17 ecofriendly20 friendliest15 friendships20 girlfriends16 unfriending16 clamjamfries28 friendliness16 unbefriended19 unfriendlier16 unfriendlily19 unfriendship21 gallimaufries19 unfriendliest17 unfriendships22 ecofriendlier19 friendlessness18 friendlinesses18 unfriendedness19 unfriendliness18 ecofriendliest20 unfriendlinesse19 friendlessnesse19 friendlessnesses20 unfriendlinesses20
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