Foregoing is valid Scrabble Word

Is foregoing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is foregoing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FOREGOING in dictionary:

Words related to FOREGOING

antecedent13 forego10 foregoes12 foregoings15 foregone12 forewent14

Words that contain FOREGOING


How to use FOREGOING in a sentence

Similar words containing GO without suffix ing and without prefix fore

go3 ago4 ego4 goa4 gob6 god5 goe4 gon4 goo4 gor4 gos4 got4 gov7 gox11 goy7 ygo7 agog6 agon5 bego7 dago6 egos5 ergo5 figo8 goad6 goaf8 goal5 goas5 goat5 gobi7 gobo7 gobs7 goby10 gods6 goel5 goer5 goes5 goey8 goff11 gogo6 goji12 gold6 gole5 golf8 golp7 gone5 gong6 gonk9 gons5 good6 goof8 goog6 gook9 gool5 goon5 goop7 goor5 goos5 gora5 gore5 gori5 gorm7 gorp7 gors5 gory8 gosh8 goss5 goth8 gouk9 gout5 govs8 gowd9 gowf11 gowk12 gowl8 gown8 goys8 ingo5 kago9 logo5 pogo7 rego5 sago5 sego5 sugo5 upgo7 vego8 ygoe8 gorg6 pego7 agoge7 agone6 agons6 agony9 agood7 agora6 algor6 amigo8 argol6 argon6 argot6 Show more ...
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