Folding is valid Scrabble Word

Is folding a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is folding valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FOLDING in dictionary:

Words related to FOLDING

fold8 folded11 foldings13 folds9

Words that contain FOLDING

foldings13 enfolding14 infolding14 refolding14 unfolding14 upfolding16 fanfolding18 infoldings15 pinfolding17 unfoldings15 misfolding17 manifolding18 overfolding19 scaffolding21 blindfolding20 interfolding17 scaffoldings22 unblindfolding22

How to use FOLDING in a sentence

Similar words containing FOLD without suffix ing

fold8 folds9 bifold12 enfold10 folded11 folder10 foldup12 infold10 refold10 unfold10 upfold12 bifolds13 enfolds11 eyefold14 fanfold14 folders11 foldout11 foldups13 infolds11 onefold11 penfold13 pinfold13 refolds11 sixfold18 tenfold11 trifold11 twifold14 twofold14 twyfold17 unfolds11 upfolds13 misfold13 billfold14 enfolded13 enfolder12 eyefolds15 fanfolds15 fivefold18 foldable14 foldaway18 foldback20 foldboat14 folderol12 foldings13 foldouts12 fourfold15 gatefold13 infolded13 infolder12 manifold14 manyfold17 nailfold12 ninefold12 overfold15 penfolds14 pinfolds14 refolded13 scaffold17 tenfolds12 twofolds15 unfolded13 unfolder12 upfolded15 misfolds14 billfolds15 blindfold16 eightfold17 enfolders13 enfolding14 fanfolded17 foldaways19 foldbacks21 foldboats15 folderols13 gatefolds14 infolders13 infolding14 interfold13 manifolds15 multifold15 nailfolds13 overfolds16 pinfolded16 refolding14 scaffolds18 sevenfold16 sheepfold18 threefold16 unfolders13 unfolding14 upfolding16 misfolded16 subfolder15 fiftyfold22 fortyfold19 linenfold13 sixtyfold23 blindfolds17 centerfold16 centrefold16 Show more ...
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