Brier is valid Scrabble Word

Is brier a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is brier valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BRIER in dictionary:

Words related to BRIER

breare8 brere7 briar7 briered10 brierier10 brieriest11 briers8 briery11

Words that contain BRIER

briers8 briery11 briered10 brierier10 catbrier12 umbriere12 brieriest11 brierroot11 brierwood15 bullbrier13 catbriers13 umbrieres13 brierroots12 brierwoods16 bullbriers14 greenbrier13 sweetbrier15 greenbriers14 sweetbriers16

How to use BRIER in a sentence

Similar words containing BRI without suffix er

abri6 brie6 brig7 brik10 brim8 brin6 brio6 bris6 brit6 abrim9 abrin7 abris7 briar7 bribe9 brick13 bride8 brief10 bries7 brigs8 briki11 briks11 brill7 brims9 brine7 bring8 brink11 brins7 briny10 brios7 brise7 brisk11 briss7 brith10 brits7 britt7 brize16 ibrik11 libri7 abrins8 briard9 briars8 briary11 bribed11 bribee10 briber10 bribes10 bricht13 bricks14 bricky17 bridal9 brided10 brides9 bridge10 bridie9 bridle9 briefs11 briers8 briery11 bright12 brigue9 brikis12 brillo8 brills8 brined9 briner8 brines8 brings9 brinks12 brinny11 briony11 brises8 brisks12 brisky15 briths11 britts8 brizes17 cabrie10 cabrio10 cabrit10 cobric12 cybrid14 debris9 fabric13 fibril11 fibrin11 hubris11 hybrid15 hybris14 ibriks12 labrid9 lubric10 nebris8 rubric10 umbril10 vibrio11 libris8 abridge11 ambries11 atabrin9 atebrin9 Show more ...
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