Brit is valid Scrabble Word

Is brit a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is brit valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BRIT in dictionary:

Words related to BRIT


Words that contain BRIT

brith10 brits7 britt7 briths11 britts8 cabrit10 britska13 brittle9 brittly12 britzka22 cabrits11 britches15 britskas14 brittled11 brittler10 brittles10 britzkas23 britzska23 britannia11 britschka20 brittania11 brittlely14 brittlest11 brittling12 britzskas24 celebrity16 embrittle13 salubrity14 tenebrity14 britannias12 britschkas21 brittanias12 cerebritis14 embrittled15 embrittles14 ignimbrite15 lubritoria12 muliebrity17 brittleness13 celebrities15 embrittling16 equilibrity25 ignimbrites16 insalubrity16 lubritorium15 salubrities13 tenebrities13 brittlebush18 cerebritises16 lubritoriums16 muliebrities16 noncelebrity19 brittlenesses15 embrittlement19 equilibrities24 insalubrities15 brittlebushes20 embrittlements20 microcelebrity25 noncelebrities18

How to use BRIT in a sentence

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