Vert is valid Scrabble Word

Is vert a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vert valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VERT in dictionary:

Words related to VERT

verted10 verting11 verts8

Words that contain VERT

avert8 evert8 overt8 verts8 vertu8 advert10 averts9 covert11 divert10 everts9 invert9 obvert11 ouvert9 revert9 tavert9 verted10 vertex16 vertue9 vertus9 adverts11 averted11 averter10 convert12 couvert12 coverts12 culvert12 diverts11 everted11 evertor10 inverts10 obverts12 ouverte10 overtax17 overtip12 overtly13 overtop12 pervert12 poverty15 reverts10 sievert10 subvert12 taivert10 vertigo11 verting11 vertues10 adverted13 ambivert15 antevert11 averters11 averting12 blipvert15 converts13 couverts13 covertly16 culverts13 diverted13 diverter12 everting12 evertors11 inverted12 inverter11 invertin11 invertor11 obverted14 overtake15 overtalk15 overtame13 overtart11 overtask15 overteem13 overthin14 overtime13 overtips13 overtire11 overtoil11 overtone11 overtook15 overtops13 overtrim13 overtrip13 overture11 overturn11 overtype16 perverts13 reverted12 reverter11 sieverts11 subverts13 vertebra13 vertexes18 vertical13 vertices13 verticil13 vertigos12 vertisol11 vertuous11 vetivert14 coverter13 advertent13 adverting14 advertise13 Show more ...

How to use VERT in a sentence

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